Feeling 22′


Senior Festivities

     Senior year is an important, exciting year, so there should be goals that are made depending on the path you are going down. Everyone goes different routes so it is interesting to see everyone’s goals for this year. 


     “My biggest goal for senior year is to graduate with a 4.0 GPA. I will do that by studying hard and focusing on my classes.” Senior Kate Lipphardt said.


      A lot of important events happen senior year that all seniors like to participate in.


     “ I am looking forward to senior skip day  because my attendance is already bad and now I have an opportunity to not show up for a good cause, which is going to the beach with my friends. I’m excited because I can sleep in and have a good time,” Senior Kyra Secor said.


      Senior year you start to discover who you are and what you might want to be. You start to narrow down what path you want to go down.


     “I want to go to FSU, get a degree in finance, and pursue Greek life for brotherhood and networking,” Senior Noah Conley said.


     At this point everyone is ready to get out of high school and start their lives and explore new things.