Coffee Club

Coffee club is the place to go during power if you love coffee.
“We are going to be learning about different coffees, how they’re made up, and were tasting different coffees” Mrs. Freeman said.
The students in coffee club will learn about different types of coffee. They will learn where the different types of coffee originate from and the students will have opportunities to taste those different types of coffee. The students are welcome to bring in different types of coffees that they want to try.
“We are looking into getting a latte maker and a Keurig” Mrs. Freeman said.
The coffee club will have a regular coffee pot available, however the club is looking into getting a latte maker and a Keurig. The problem with the latte maker and the Keurig are the prices of both of those coffee makers. Keurigs can be at least $100 depending on where you buy it. The latte maker can range from $50-400. The students will have special mugs that they can bring in for coffee club. The coffee mugs will be left in Mrs. Freeman’s class room and will be put in a special place so the mugs cannot be damaged. The coffee mugs must be school appropriate.
“When we meet the next time they’re bringing small flavors of coffee” Mrs. Freeman said.
For the next meeting of coffee club the students are bringing small samples of coffee that come in different flavors. The small samples are available at Publix and Winn Dixie if you are thinking about coming to the next meeting. The small coffee samples from Publix cost around $1.50.
Coffee club meets every third Thursday of the month. The next meeting will take place Thursday October 19th during the first half of Astro hour in Mrs. Freeman’s room, room 728.