Students speaking up for what they believe in

Students from a lot of schools have been participating in walkouts to support the victims from the Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School shooting.

On Friday February 23, Mrs. Miller announced that our school would not be doing a walkout unless it’s scheduled as an educated organized event.

“I would do the walkout because something needs to change. People are dying and it’s really sad. I used to pass that school all the time and I know people that go there and their parents. I don’t want to take guns away but I believe we need stricter laws on how to get one,” sophomore Bryanna Cherubini said.

The walkout originally started out as going outside for 17 minutes for the 17 victims in silence, but schools such as Titusville High have stayed out for an hour.

“I’d do it because the only reason it’s happening is because people got killed and we’re finally taking action. I think it’s good students are speaking up because guns shouldn’t be this easy to get,” sophomore Amanda Maddox said.

Although a lot of people want to do this, some people like Mr. Browne do not.
“I don’t really care to do it. I feel like nothing is going to change or make a difference by people protesting and doing walkouts,” Mr. Browne said.