Adding a little Wisdom

Wisdom Wednesday is something Mr. Bales does every week, he takes this day to talk about different topics and give his point of view, and advice that he thinks his students will be able to use in there every day lives.
“I do this to try and help my students think differently, and how to use the wisdom I give to add to their lives. Now this has nothing to do with economics, but it is something that I find important and that most people find interesting and enjoy,” Mr. Bales said.
This past week he showed a video of an interview that Kobe Bryant was in and the whole point of the video was that there isn’t such thing as failure because the only way to fail is if you stop trying.
“I really enjoyed the video, it really taught me that you shouldn’t give up and to keep trying because it’s not worth failing when I can take what I learned and apply it to do better with whatever I’m doing,” senior Danielle Hall said.
Some of his students he has now like when he does wisdom Wednesday because some of the topics he goes over makes you think about situations in your life.
“I like when he does it because depending on the situation the quote he goes over I can relate it to my life and fix those mistakes that I make. One quote that he went over and discussed that most everyone might judge somebody based on their appearance rather than their personality and I realized that I should try to stop doing that and really think about the other persons situation,” senior Savanah Tindall said.
Even some of his former students like the concept of wisdom Wednesday and looked forward to it every week.
“When I was in Mr. Bales class, I would look forward to Wisdom Wednesday every week, not only because it was a day where we didn’t have to do work but I really liked the concepts and information that he would go over. I thought it was a cool different thing that he does to kind of break up the week,” senior Chloe Woods said.